Architects: Do We Like Them Yet?

Over the last 10 or so years we have contacted AWCI member contractors to ask them about their relationship with architects. It often turns out to be one of the more popular subjects to tackle. Well, it’s been a while, so we’re doing it again this month. We asked wall and ceiling contractors about BIM and the architect along with what makes for a good relationship (more than communications) with the architect. We also asked contractors to identify the traits or characteristics of a “good” architect. Turn to page 28 to find out if we’re all friends again and how relationships have changed now that the recession is over and business is booming.


Next is our interview with AWCI’s new president, Nancy Brinkerhoff. Nancy took some big risks early in her construction career, and now it’s paying off as she is recognized as an industry leader, both in her home state as well as nationally. Based in Northern California, she started her company when the recession was just beginning. That company is still here, along with two other branches, and she one of her goals is to take AWCI to the next level with ideas that will attract new, younger companies. Yes, that’s great news for the association, but it’s even better news for the industry as a whole, which is watching the pros retire without qualified replacements to pick up the slack. Turn to page 38 to learn more about AWCI’s first female president and her plans for the association.


Speaking of retiring, many of you are working your way toward turning over the reins, but from what I can tell, a lot of you still can’t let go completely. You may be leaving day-to-day operations of the company that has been in your family for generations, but you still have a lot of useful information that can and should be shared with the industry—or at least as many as you can reach. How do you do that? You start a consulting business! But think about it before you make that leap. Is it really something you can handle? That’s the point of the article that begins on page 42: the dark side of consulting. Read this article to learn 15 reasons—from a renowned consultant—why you may want to reconsider a career in consulting.


Finally, make sure you have a look at what our various columnists have to say this month. Doug Bellamy continues his sad adventure that leads to him becoming the owner of a construction company (Management Desk, page 18), Vince Bailey challenges our readers to deny his claim that artificial intelligence will make certain jobs extinct in possibly five years (Estimator’s Edge, page 23), and Mark L. Johnson uses his InSync column (page 24) to advise on how to make your customers feel good enough to buy more from you.



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