Armstrong Ceiling & Wall Solutions offers FeltWorks Open Cell Ceiling Systems, the newest addition to the Armstrong® family of felt ceiling products, which also includes pre-kitted FeltWorks Blades and FeltWorks Acoustical Panels.
Available in 3 kitted panel designs, including Ebbs & Flows, Peaks & Valleys and Rectangles, FeltWorks Open Cell panels can be installed as square or rectangular clouds or interlinked to create a wall-to-wall design.
Available in 15 standard colors, the modular kits can be specified in 4 sizes: 48" x 48", 96" x 48", 48" x 96" and 96" x 96". The Ebbs & Flows and Peaks & Valleys kits are available in 9" panel depths and the Rectangle kits are available in either 6" or 12"panel depths. With consistent color throughout the panels, there is no need to field-finish cut edges.
FeltWorks Open Cell panels install easily on the Hanging Kit and can be easily removed to provide plenum access and lighting integration. With sound absorption of up to 0.80 NRC, the 1/4"-thick panels provide excellent acoustical performance.
Made from up to 60% post-consumer recycled PET fibers, the FeltWorks Open Cell panels are part of the Armstrong® Sustain® portfolio and meet the most stringent industry sustainability standards, including GreenGuard Gold and Declare(SM) Red List Free certifications.