Working Together for You

Participating in AWCI’s Industry Executives’ Conference & Committee Meetings in San Diego sure gave you the feeling our industry is in good hands—that is, our hands.

We started off the conference thinking of how to expand our market, make the pie bigger. In one room we had representatives of all our stud manufacturers, our supplier network, contractors from different markets and the steel mills collaborating on how to deal with our competition. Often we get caught up thinking the guys in that room are the competition, but in the big picture, it is other building materials and trades. Recently the wood framing industry has campaigned successfully to get “wood first” initiatives passed and codes changed to allow its structural use in mid-rise buildings. Working together we can turn around these wood campaigns and get the message out on the benefits of cold formed framing in more and more types of building. Look to our new website,, and tell us what you think of it.

AWCI facilitated more collaboration at the conference in solving our issues with changing insulation codes, what to expect out of a Level 4 or 5 finish and hosting our business forums where every issue you can think of was discussed. We had a session on improving cash flow and another on retaining and motivating employees—both key topics in running a successful business. Just taking back a couple ideas makes the time spent well worth it.

All this collaboration builds a stronger industry, and it builds long-lasting business relationships and friendships. Jackie and I were most appreciative to be invited to the Brady’s home in San Diego. Ron (AWCI’s 1989–1990 president and Pinnacle Award winner) and Mary Alice opened up their home to all of AWCI’s past presidents for a great evening of sharing, catching up and just plain fun. Personal invites like this really remind you how AWCI transcends your business life to personal involvement.

I look forward to your participation and believe you’ll like how it becomes part of your life.

In addition to being 2013–2014 president of the Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry, Daley is president of Daley’s Drywall & Taping, Inc., San Jose, Calif.

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