I hope you are preparing to pack your bags and head west to Long Beach, Calif., for the AWCI Annual Convention and Intex Expo, April 25–30. The line-up includes some terrific speakers, great seminars, business forums, networking opportunities and the finest display of products targeted to our trade.
This is the start of our renewed relationship with the Ceilings & Interior Systems Construction Association, so anyone participating in both associations can double their networking. The EIFS Industry Members Association and Amarok also will be having their annual meetings nearby, and the usual support that we get from our manufacturers and suppliers is the best ever. More than 380 exhibit spaces have been sold, and the format for activities has been changed to make the program more fun and exciting for delegates.
Meanwhile, AWCI’s Academy in Atlanta proved to be an outstanding success. More than 190 people were in attendance at three seminars: Project Management for Construction, Steel—Doing It Right, and Fire-Resistive Construction (delivered in Spanish).
I was recently at the Western Walls and Ceilings Contractors Association’s annual meeting, another example of a great show put on by a great group. As I travel around visiting AWCI chapters, I continue to be impressed by the quality of our contractors and the staff that supports them every day that make such meetings so successful.
On another note, I want to mention that AWCI’s new headquarters building is ahead of schedule, and our suppliers are providing tremendous support to make it a great showplace of what we do. I hope you all get a chance to visit someday. Steve Etkin and his staff will show you a great time. AWCI’s goal is to help run our businesses better, and our staff reacts to the needs of the members. Recently our EIFS education program group tested one of our member companies and provided an audio Spanish test for those who may have trouble with written Spanish. Our staff really makes every effort to meet the needs of our industry.