Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry Logo

President’s Message

The Value of Summer

It is hard to believe that fall is coming up already. Through the summer I have been busy traveling to all of my company’s offices to hear how they are doing, and I have also...

Making a Great Association Even Better

Settling into my position as president, I recently attended AWCI’s Executive Committee meeting, a two-day retreat with the executives in Colorado. One of the topics we discussed was our annual convention held earlier this year...

A Full Agenda

The Raymond Group was founded in 1936, and for the past 37 years, we have been a member of AWCI. For us, AWCI has been a terrific resource for education, technical knowledge and organizational...

Architects Face Similar Challenges

Why are we so quick to blame architects for not providing all the details? Could the lack of details in drawings be more because of the erosion of their fees over the years and...

Build23 Was a Hit!

I want to congratulate our team at AWCI for putting on a dynamic event—Build23: AWCI’s Convention + Expo in Las Vegas. Along with a wealth of information gleaned from the many education seminars, the...

Educating Clients on Budgets

How many projects that we build actually match what we budgeted? Do plans and specs matter, or are they more like guidelines?      Everything about bidding seems to be harder than it used...

Speak Up, Stay Safe

Even if the Job Hazard Analysis says it is safe, even if we have done the task 1,000 times, even if there is a schedule that must be kept and even if the work...

Labor Rates Linked to Worker Shortages?

This month my message is about labor. If you find the people you need, what are they going to cost you?      In our Colorado market we have seen wage escalation over the...

Solving Supply Chain Woes

Materials have been challenging us over the last few years. There are not enough products, too many of another product, extended lead times, price escalations, logistical issues and the list goes on. These issues...