Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry Logo

President’s Message

Downturn Offers Opportunities

Updating your IT systems and engaging with business customers are examples of what you might want to put on your agenda during less active periods.

Growing Experience Gap

Recently my company held what we call our margin verification review meetings to look at some of the most pressing issues at projects at our core offices.

Understanding Our Emerging Leaders

How we interact with our new and aspiring leaders and pass on best practices and other lessons that we’re trying to foster at AWCI is a part of that, and it includes everything from physical...

Managing Risks

With the softening economy, many of us are working hard just to get work. But there are growing risks in these economic times, and it is important to be able to identify what work we...

Communication Critical to Success

More than ever, communication can make or break a project. This can be especially true on large commercial projects because they are becoming increasingly complex. We face greater financial and scheduling pressures, increased on-site rules...

What Is Your New Year’s Resolution?

Happy New Year! It’s that time again when budgets are prepared, projects are planned and we look forward to the year ahead. It is a period for new resolutions, a time we might think about...

Value of AWCI Conferences

At AWCI’s Industry Leaders Conference in October, a couple of sessions were about the economy. While generally many of us see the economy as positive, there are a number of signs that the times could...

Thoughts on Markets

We frequently operate in a vacuum in each of the areas that we work, often not really looking beyond our city or region to see what opportunities might exist for us. Where I am in...

Leaders, Safety Reviews and Prefabrication

Here we are in fall already—a good time for me to remind members that AWCI’s Industry Leaders Conference is Oct. 17–20 in Boston at the Boston Park Plaza, the largest independent hotel in the city....