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How to Grow as a Leader

Want to bolster your leadership skills? Sure, you say, but how without burning out?

New Roles for Leaders

Disruption in construction is imminent. Most projects use traditional means and methods to erect buildings. But many are now turning to component pre-assembly, panelization and other off-site processes. Automation is coming into play in...

AI: Your New Co-Pilot

The sound bites on artificial intelligence lately suggest we have much to fear. “Spooked by ChatGPT, US Lawmakers Want to Create an AI Regulator,” says one headline. “Runaway AI Is an Extinction Risk, Experts...

Be Nature Positive

Every industry is having to come to terms with its impact on the planet. The latest corporate responsibility buzz term to surface is “being nature positive”—interacting with nature in a way that’s regenerative, and...

Trust Leads to Transactions

Which company is the most trusted company in our industry?      I say it could be you. But I don’t think it will be you if you talk to customers only about yourself...

What Is Your Goal?

Brilliant technological innovations arrive right on time. They converge to create something functionally different but practical to use. “Structure precedes function,” as inventors like to say.      Robert Moor explains this in his...

Secrets of Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? How about your crews? Sleep disturbances are a major health challenge, news reports say. Sleep debt makes it harder to maintain focus, attention and vigilance on the job, the...

Do This in 2023

In October, Dodge Construction Network, in partnership with Procore Technologies, released a study on how economic, workforce and technology trends are transforming the specialty contractors’ marketplace. In extrapolating the results, I conclude that as...

Success Defined

Successful business organizations today must be responsive. No ifs, ands or buts about it.      In the mid 1980s, when I first started studying management and the characteristics that make for a successful...