ICC-ES Issues Three Evaluation Reports That Help Expand Use of Shipping Containers as Building Materials

The ICC Evaluation Service issued evaluation reports to three companies offering shipping containers for housing: SG Blocks, Inc. (ESR-3764), Sea Box, Inc. (ESR-4082) and Falcon Structures (ESR-4163). These evaluation reports show compliance to AC 462, the Acceptance Criteria for Structural Building Materials from Shipping Containers, and ensure that these products meet applicable codes and standards.


The growing market demand for alternative building materials and techniques has led to a pressing need by the construction industry for new sources for materials. The global container homes market alone, as reported by Allied Market Research, is expected to reach over $73 billion by 2025. Off-site and modular construction overall has become an increasingly important new area for the industry.


In addition to product evaluations provided by ICC-ES, the International Accreditation Service, another member of the Code Council Family of Companies, provides accreditation for fabricators and third-party and special inspection agencies to support confidence in the manufacturers and inspectors of off-site and modular products and services.

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