ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc. has received evaluation report ER-335 from IAPMO Evaluation Service confirming its pneumatically driven pins comply with the code requirements of the 2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Codes® and International Residential Codes®. This new report follows ET&F’s ICC ES Report ESR-1777 for shear walls that was published in January 2016.
The new evaluation report recognizes ET&F pins used in diaphragm construction for attaching wood structural panel sheathing to cold-formed steel framing 20ga to 10ga thick. This report is the result of full scale diaphragm testing in accordance with ICC AC262 acceptance criteria for horizontal diaphragms. Included in the report are comprehensive design tables for diaphragm assemblies along with equations to enable calculation of deflections as required in the building codes.
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