Watt Honored with Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award winner Jay Watt.

This year’s recipient of the AWCI’s Distinguished Service Award is Jay Watt, marketing director of National Gypsum Company. He’s as surprised as he is honored with the accolade.

“It is sweet but was totally unexpected. I thought someone from our company put my name in for the award but I was pleased to find out it was actually a contractor.”

The citation recognizes Watt for his exemplary service as a volunteer for decades with the association. From attending the annual AWCI Convention and Expo starting in the late 1980s, to serving on five AWCI committees for more than a decade in the early 2000s, Watt has continually made time and provided resources to help better the association and the industry.

Presented with the award last month at the AWCI 2024 Industry Leaders Conference in Hollywood, California, Watt says his time in AWCI has been rewarding.

“Engaging in the association, you have to learn the rules and bylaws and how things are orchestrated. For me, it has provided opportunities to meet and get to know the players in the industry. We (National Gypsum) are a significant provider when it comes to building materials but there are other key manufacturers…distributors and especially contractors. It has provided me and others an opportunity to grow.”

A number of highlights for Watt have come in his varied roles on the Foundation of Wall and Ceiling Industry’s (FWCI) board, which he has served on since July 2014 and was president from 2018 to 2020. Initially, the Foundation served primarily as a resource of information, education and research for the industry but with the development of AWCI CARES (Caring Action Relief in Emergency Situations), it’s philanthropic side has really emerged.

“It was very gratifying to see us taking care of our own people in need,” says Watt, who has served as the Foundation’s board liaison to the AWCI CARES executive committee. “It’s a great opportunity to give back.” 

Another rewarding experience for Watt has come through his commitment to the association’s Supplier and Manufacturer Committee. Taking on various roles including chair from July 2018 through June 2019.

“You have to be involved and give of your time and talent to make it work. I believe that when members do that, they get more out of the efforts and the association benefits as well.”

“It is sweet but was totally unexpected. I thought someone from our company put my name in for the award but I was pleased to find out it was actually a contractor.”

Watt has been involved in the last 12 years of National Gypsum’s 30-year sponsorship of the AWCI Celebration Night Awards Dinner and Foundation Silent Auction, has also been on the association’s Strategic Planning Task Force for the 2021-2024 plan, which “helps guide AWCI forward.” Watt takes a strategic approach to things,” he believes the task force has yielded a lot of success to ensure that the AWCI is aligned with the evolving needs of the industry and its members.

Implementing the AWCI Emerging Leaders Program, which started in 2021, is a prime example of that evolution. It has been instrumental in helping to develop a new generation of leaders through training in new technology and other areas plus it has provided opportunities for peer recognition.

“It has been a great way to energize and engage young leaders and get them started in AWCI as each of us got started so they feel at home and understand the value of being a member.”

Watt’s advice to any young leaders in the industry is to start by embracing what you do. “If you are passionate about something and you love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life. I’ve had the opportunity of working many years with National Gypsum and the AWCI, and it has been a labor of love.”

Congratulations to Jay on this award!

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