AWCI Members Only- Online Debuts

AWCI Members Only- Online Debuts

Last month, an electronic version of the AWCI Members Only newsletter made its debut. Called AWCI Members Only- Online, the e-publication contains all the newsletters’ contents, including AWCI’s Tech Update, SuperVision and AWCI’s Government Relations Update. This extended member benefit is offered free to all AWCI members.

The hard (paper) copy is still being distributed to all AWCI members.

The electronic version of the newsletter contains extra features not found in the print version. Through this new electronic vehicle, AWCI members can view the current month’s New Products, as published in AWCI’s Construction Dimensions, before the magazine reaches the nonmembers’ mailboxes. Through AWCI Members Only-Online, members can click on the new products for more information, and they can also be linked to the product manufacturers’ Web sites. Also, AWCI members will have access to more legislative and regulatory content than the quarterly AWCI’s Government Relations Update can provide.

“Members will continue to receive both the electronic newsletter and the hard copy, probably for another five years or so until the vast majority of our members request to receive only the electronic newsletter,” said AWCI Executive Vice President Steve Etkin.

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