The situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, and by now we’ve all heard calls to participate in “social distancing.” We’re doing our part with AWCI’s Convention & INTEX Expo Reconstructed—taking online many of the events you would have experienced in Las Vegas while shifting others to future events. It’s our way of helping you experience many of the features of AWCI’s Convention & INTEX Expo while doing your part to stay safe.
Here is what we can tell you right now:
Refunds for all registrations will be processed before the end of April, and exhibitor payments will be transferred to next year’s event in New Orleans.
Committee meetings either will be postponed until AWCI’s Industry Leaders Conference, Sept. 14–17, or you will be notified if your committee needs to meet online sooner.
AWCI’s Pinnacle Award, our highest honor, will be presented during AWCI’s Industry Leaders Conference in Boston.
The AWCI Awards Brunch keynote speaker and some of the education session speakers have moved their presentations to AWCI’s Convention & INTEX Expo, April 10–14, 2021. Can’t wait that long? Problem solved! Some of the experts who planned to wow attendees at the INTEX Expo Solutions Showcases and the convention’s education sessions are coming to you via webinars.
This first is an education session on March 25 at 2 p.m. (EDT). “The Changing Landscape of Drug Screening Compliance: What Employers Need to Know” will be presented by Bill Judge of the Drug Screening Compliance Institute. This free webinar, open to all registrants of AWCI’s Convention & INTEX Expo, is sponsored by Micro-Distributing. Click here to register.
The first Solutions Showcase reconstruction will be April 2 at 3 p.m. (EDT) and presented by Hiab USA, Inc. Click here to register and learn about the new features of the latest truck mounted forklift for the drywall industry.
Advance registration for the March event was strong. Click here to download the attendee directory, which lists those registered as of Feb. 28.
The 2019 Annual Report from AWCI and the Foundation, which was going to be distributed at the convention, can be downloaded by clicking here.
Here is what’s coming next. Over the next several weeks you will have the opportunity to participate in the following elements that help make up the wall and ceiling industry’s most prestigious event:
AWCI’s Awards Week: AWCI will announce via its social media accounts the winners of AWCI’s Excellence in Construction Awards beginning March 30. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and visit to see all of this year’s award winners.
Did you buy a ticket for the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry’s $5,000 Raffle or Jewelry Raffle? Don’t fear, you may still be a winner! We are currently working on the details of putting all the Foundation fundraisers—the two raffles and the silent auction—online and made available to all interested parties. Details are coming soon.
Continuing from there, look for our electronic updates on behalf of INTEX Expo exhibitors: new products, videos and additional news direct from AWCI’s “digital” trade show floor.
Your convention experience package wraps up with a complete summary in AWCI’s Construction Dimensions June Industry Awards Issue.
Exhibitors: Contact Brent Stone to bring your message to all convention and INTEX Expo registrants.
While the convention may be canceled, AWCI is still here to support you and our industry during these unprecedented times. Please do not hesitate to reach out and let us know how your association can help you weather the storm.
Remember: Together, We Are AWCI.